Proud to be part of the Focus-Trust

Boothroyd Primary Academy

PE and Sports Premium

The Government has allocated substantial amounts of money to Primary schools to improve the quality of PE and sport provision in schools.

Schools receive £16 000 per school with an extra £10 allocation per child attending.

Schools can choose how to spend the money but it must be used to improve the provision of PE and sport.

The report below highlights what we do with our Sport’s premium money and the impact so far.

Sports Premium Funding 2021-22 with previous year evaluation

As a summary, in the last two years we have:

  • – increased the number of children walking to school
  • – improved pupil fitness throughout all year groups
  • – increased the number of children accessing sports clubs after school.( approx. 80 children per week)

Sports Premium Funding 21-22Sports Premium Funding 22-23 (inc 21-22 evaluation)PE funding form 2023-2024